Neema Sankul
Mineshbhai C Patel
Sahdevsinh Sonagara
Computer Lab  
There are two computer labs in the school campus. One is old lab with 18 computers in the 'A' wing. The other is in the 'B' wing.There are 11 pcs. Thus there are two spacious labs in the two buildings.The second lab is from the government with maintenance contract with NIIT company. The students from 1st standard to 10th standard make the best use to develop their knowledge of computer.There are scanners and printers always available for special use concerning their syllabus. There is a large LCD (42 INCH) with BISAG connection. The students can also watch educational channels in the new lab.The lab is also connected with internet facility. Most of the teachers are techno-friendly in the school. Everybody is free to go and use the labs during their periods.

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